Aaron and Kylie Rapira
Media Specialist

My Story

Aaron has worked on various major motion picture film productions for the past 15 years in the Grip department. A department that specializes in camera rigs to stabilize camera movement and achieve specific camera angles.

Aaron quickly established himself within the film industry early with his high work ethic, professionalism and an eye for the smaller details.

After 15 years in the film industry and a growing family, Aaron decided to make a career change.

With videography, photography and creativity being at the top of his priority list, he found a perfect opportunity with open2view.

For Aaron, it is about bringing hollywood to realestate, and creating a cinematic viewing experience.
Ensuring a strong customer focus is in mind, Aaron understands the importance of communication to achieve and deliver the desired result for any customer.

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Aaron and Kylie Rapira | Media Specialist